
In a nutshell

Our idea is to create an open source collection of historical text genealogies, in forms of tree-like graphs (also called stemma), for any language.

N.B.: only directed stemmata are considered, and undirected graphs are left out of the scope of our database (at least for now).

Trees are encoded with the DOT graph description language: the image on the right is created out of the code on the left.

                basic graph
digraph {
    omega ->A;
    omega ->B;

    A -> C;
    A -> D;

    B -> E;
    B -> F;

Working with images generated out of the code allows us, on the long term, to query the code and conduct quantitative research on textual traditions.


You want to contribute? It is easy. To do so you need:

  1. To prepare your data according to our guidelines (detailed infra).
  2. To share these data via email or (better) with a pull request (explained infra).

0. Preliminary remarks

  • We do not ask you to produce a stemma, but to reproduce a stemma found in a scientific work.
  • If stemma are relatively static for classical texts (Virgil, Homer…), it is not always the case for other languages (e.g. the Devisement dou monde of Marco Polo). If several stemmata are available, we trust you to choose the best or reproduce all relevant stemmata when necessary. Metadata are here to document this choice

1. Prepare your record

An example folder is available online. You can also have a look at the actual data, which are organised according to linguistic traditions (we follow the tist of ISO 639-3 codes: fro for medieval French, gmh for medieval German…).

Each record is contained in a dedicated folder, named with the structure: scholar_year_text (see examples). It is made of up to three files (with the exact same name than those given infra).

  • Two are mandatory:
    • metadata.txt is metadata file about the stemma (author of the text, writing date, name of the philologist who made the stemma, scientific publication in which the stemma was found…). You can find an example here.
    • stemma.gv is DOT format file (extension .gv) for the stemma. You can find an example here.
  • One is optional:
    • stemma.png is an image scan (in black and white, as a png file) found in the source (article, edition…). You can find an example here.

2. Prepare the metadata.

This is an important step! You need to explain what are your sources (traceability) and who you are (to receive credit for your work!). You need to prepare four types of metadata.

  • Three are (at least partially) mandatory:
    • From which secondary source is the stemma from (an article, a critical edition…)
    • Basic information about the text: author, title, date, location.
    • Basic information about the informer (you!)
  • One is optional
    • Description of the witnesses, starting with their siglum (e.g. O or A2), and the identification of the material document(s), preferably under the form City, Repository, Shelfmark (e.g. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 23).

An online form is available to help you create the metadata.txt file you need to attach to your stemma.

Dates should be encoded as:

  • a single year (e.g., 1252)
  • a date range (e.g., 1300-1350, if something is datable to the first half of the 14th century).

Places should be indicated with their modern names preferably with an indication of the superior regional unit when relevant, especially for city, e.g., Thionville (Moselle, France).

Regions especially cultural/linguistic or traditional regions can still be indicated when relevant, e.g. Lorraine or Burgundy.

Question marks can be used to mark uncertainty (e.g., 1252?; Burgundy?)

Finally, for normalisation purposes, English names should be used when they exist.

3. Prepare your stemma

To encode the graph, we use the DOT graph description language. and write it in a file with the extension .gv.

To make it easier, you can find a free editor, Edotor, at this adress.

Here are a few rules one need to follow:

Simple graph

digraph {
    omega ->A;
    omega ->B;
rule 1
Greek letter

digraph {
    omega ->A;
    omega ->B;
rule 4
Hypothetical node
(e.g., archetype, subarchetype…)
in grey

digraph {
    omega[label="Ω", color="grey"];
    omega ->A;
    omega ->B;
rule 5
Unnamed (hypothetical) node

digraph {
    omega[label="Ω", color="grey"];
    omega ->A;
    omega -> 1;
    1 -> B;
    1 -> C;
    1[label="", color="grey"];
rule 6

digraph {
    omega[label="Ω", color="grey"];
    omega ->A;
    omega -> 1;
    1 -> B;
    1 -> C;
    1[label="", color="grey"];
    A -> B [style="dashed"];
rule 2

digraph {
    omega[label="Ω", color="grey"];
    omega ->A;
    omega -> 1;
    1 -> B;
    1 -> C;
    1[label="", color="grey"];
    A -> B [style="dashed", dir=none];
rule 3
(usually expressed with ?
or --- dashed lines
by editors,
not to be confused
with contamination)

digraph {
    omega[label="Ω", color="grey"];
    omega ->A[color="grey"];
    omega -> 1;
    1 -> B;
    1 -> C;
    1[label="", color="grey"];
rule 3

When encoding the stemma, you should always favor spirit (i.e., semantism) over letter (i.e. formatting).

Rarer cases

Extra-archetypal contamination
Stemma from Ewert 1932 (Ewert, 1932, Gui de Warewic)

Extra-archetypal (or extra-stemmatic) contamination is the case where a witness is contaminated by a source outside of the descendants of the archetype. Some editors indicate it with an arrow coming from the outside, while other simply indicate it in the text.

In both cases, it is encoded by added the necesseray missing node to turn the representation into the standard directed graph, with a single root. That means: 1. adding an unnamed root, 2. adding the missing hypothetical node, outside of the archetypal tradition, that is the source of the contamination, 3. signaling the contamination from this outside missing node to the contaminated witness.


digraph {
    original[color=grey, label=""]
    source[color="grey", label=""]

extra-archetypal contamination encoding

4. Pull your work (Optional)

If you can't make a pull request, drop us the files with a few words by opening an issue and appending the files!

Opening an issue

But please, if you can do a pull request, we prefer it this way!

We have decided to use Github to work collaboratively. To avoid major problems while sharing data, we recommend to share your work using a pull request. Here's how.

  1. Fork the official repository (i.e. make a copy of the repository that you can modify)

    Fork 1
  2. Clone your new fork locally (YOUR_PSEUDO has to be replaced by your GitHub username). In the terminal, write:
    git clone
  3. Track the original repository as a remote of the fork:
    git remote add --track master upstream
    git fetch upstream
  4. On your computer, create your record (a folder containing the following files: metadata.txt,, and (optional) stemma.png) in the Data folder. Create a branch
    git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME
  5. Add, commit, and push the changes
    git add PATH/TO/metadata.txt PATH/TO/ PATH/TO/stemma.png
    git commit -m "NAME_OF_THE_TEXT"
    git push -u origin BRANCH_NAME
  6. Submit your pull request by going back to your repo (control that the name in the red rectangle is the same than BRANCH_NAME) and clicking on "compare and pull request".

    Fork 2
  7. Create the pull request (the name in the red rectangle should be the same than BRANCH_NAME).

    Fork 3